Unser Experte für Herzklappen-OP – Basics
Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Günther Jakob
Institution und Position: Direktor der Klinik für Thorax- und Kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Essen – Westdeutsches Herz- und Gefäßzentrum. Lehrstuhlinhaber (C4) für kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie an der Universität Duisburg-Essen.
Stand: 14.03.2018
Die Mitschrift des Interviews mit Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Günther Jakob zum Thema “Herzklappen-OP – Basics”
Was sind Herzklappen und wie funktionieren sie?
Herzklappen sind Bestandteil des Herzens, das wiederum eine Druck-Saug-Pumpe ist und durch Ventile den Blutfluss nach vorne reguliert. Wir haben vier Herzklappen: zwei zwischen den Herzvorhöfen und den Herzkammern und zwei am Auslass der Herzkammern, einmal rechtsseitig in den Lungenkreislauf und linksseitig in den Körperkreislauf. Wenn diese Ventile nicht funktionieren tritt unmittelbar eine Erkrankung des gesamten Systems auf.
Welche Störungen der Herzklappen können auftreten?
Es können grundsätzlich angeborene Herzfehler vorliegen, die bereits im Neugeborenenalter im Regelfall durch spezialisierte Kinderherzchirurgen behandelt werden. Im Erwachsenenalter treten sogenannte erworbene Herzklappenfehler auf, die zum einen in einer Undichtigkeit der Klappe bestehen können oder aber umgekehrt in einer Verengung, meist bedingt durch degenerative Prozesse mit anschließender Verkalkung. Gelegentlich kann auch ein Kombinationsproblem vorliegen, einer undichten aber verengten Herzklappe.
Was sind die Ursachen für Herzklappen-Erkrankungen?
Früher musste in erster Linie an das rheumatische Fieber und daran anschließende degenerative Prozesse gedacht werden. Heute sind es am ehesten degenerative Verschleißprozesse im Verlauf von Jahrzehnten, zum Beispiel bei einer kleinen angeborenen Variante an der Aortenklappe, die nur zwei statt drei Taschen hat. Es können auch entzündliche Prozesse vorliegen oder funktionelle Herzklappenerkrankungen, bedingt entweder durch einen Herzinfarkt oder einen Muskelerkrankung des Herzens, was letztendlich zu einer Gefügeerweiterung des gesamten Herzens führt, mit Ausdehnung auch des Klappendurchmessers und daraus resultierender Undichtigkeit der Klappe.
Welche Symptome deuten auf einen Herzklappenfehler hin?
Wenn ein Patient plötzlich ohnmächtig wird, Schwindelattacken erleidet oder Herzschmerzen, zum Beispiel ausstrahlende Schmerzen in den linken Arm erleidet, muss nicht unbedingt ein Herzinfarkt vorliegen, es kann sich auch um eine sogenannte Aortenklappen-Stenose handeln, das heißt eine Verengung der Aortenklappe. Wenn Luftnot auftritt oder gar Luftnot plus Wassereinlagerung in den Beinen zu sehen ist, deutet das auf eine Erkrankung der Mitralklappe und oder der Trikuspidalklappe hin.
Wie werden Herzklappen-Erkrankungen diagnostiziert?
Wenn Sie aufgrund der geschilderten Symptomatik zum Hausarzt gehen, werden Sie mit dem Stethoskop untersucht und das Herz abgehört. Hier kann der Hausarzt pathologische Geräusche feststellen und würde Sie dann zum Facharzt, dem Kardiologen schicken, um dann eine spezielle Untersuchung mittels Ultraschall vorzunehmen. Diese sogenannte Echokardiografie erfolgt entweder transthorakal, das bedeutet der Schallkopf wird auf den Brustkorb aufgelegt oder aber es wird ein Schallkopf geschluckt und im sogenannten transösophagealen Echokardiogramm können die Herzklappen perfekt dargestellt und diagnostiziert werden. Das ist die wesentlichste Untersuchung zur Feststellung einer Herzklappenerkrankung.
Wie werden akute Herzklappen-Erkrankungen behandelt?
Eine akute Herzklappenerkrankung ist im Regelfall ein Notfall. Es handelt sich hierbei zum Beispiel um den Abriss eines Papillarmuskels an der Mitralklappe während eines Herzinfarktgeschehens oder aber eine entzündliche Perforation, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Aortenklappe. Wenn nun die daraus resultierende Undichtigkeit groß ist, tritt unmittelbar Lebensgefahr auf, da das Herz nicht mehr nur nach vorne auswirft, in den Körperkreislauf, sondern auch nach rückwärts, in den Lungenkreislauf. Das könnte zur Folge haben, dass es zur Überflutung der Lunge kommt und zu einem Lungenödem, was unmittelbar lebensbedrohlich ist, das heißt der Patient muss umgehend operativ versorgt werden.
Wann kommt minimal-invasive Therapie zum Einsatz?
Die minimal-invasiven chirurgischen Therapieformen kommen immer mehr zum Einsatz. Für die Mitralklappe, das heißt die Klappe zwischen dem linken Vorhof und der linken Herzkammer, bietet sich das Schlüssellochverfahren an, das heißt es wird ein kleiner knapp 5cm großer Hautschnitt rechts am Brustkorb, bei Frauen knapp unterhalb der rechten Brust, angelegt und mithilfe von optischen Instrumenten kann man dann die Herzklappe exakt einstellen, untersuchen und operieren. Natürlich muss die Herzlungenmaschine hierfür angeschlossen werden, was über eine Miniinzision in der Leiste stattfindet. Ziel dieser Operationsform ist sooft wie möglich eine Rekonstruktion, das heißt eine Reparatur der betroffenen Herzklappe durchzuführen. Man kann aber auch, bei stark verkalkter Herzklappe, einen Klappenersatz mit dieser Methode durchführen. Bisher konnten wir das nur für die Mitralklappe und Trikuspidalklappe, das heißt die rechtsseitige Vorhof-Kammer-Klappe durchführen. In jüngerer Vergangenheit können wir das nun auch für die Aortenklappe.
Wann kann die natürliche Herzklappe erhalten werden?
Im Regelfall kann bei einer Undichtigkeit der Herzklappe eine Rekonstruktion vorgenommen werden. Im Bereich der Mitralklappe ist dies in knapp 90% der Fälle erfolgreich. Im Bereich der Aortenklappe ist dies etwas schwieriger, die Erfolgsquote ist nicht ganz so hoch, aber es gibt neue Verfahren, die in der Entwicklung sind und die vielversprechend sind, so dass auch Undichtigkeiten an der Aortenklappe zunehmend rekonstruktiv behandelt werden können.
Welche Arten von künstlichen Herzklappen gibt es?
Grundsätzlich werden zwei Arten unterschieden, zum einen die mechanische Klappenprothese, die aus Kunststoff und Titan besteht und die biologische Herzklappe, die tierischen Ursprung ist. Beide Herzklappen müssen lebenslang beobachtet werden und unterscheiden sich dahingehend, dass die mechanische Herzklappe ein Leben lang hält, aber antikoaguliert werden muss, die biologische Herzklappe im Regelfall keine Antikoagulation benötigt, aber im Verlaufe der Zeit, hier sprechen wir in einer Größenordnung von 15-20 Jahren, bei älteren Patienten ausgetauscht werden muss.
Was müssen Patienten mit einer künstlichen Herzklappe beachten?
Wenn ein Patient eine mechanische Herzklappenprothese erhalten hat, muss er lebenslang antikoaguliert werden, das heißt ein Medikament zur Blutgerinnungshemmung einnehmen. Dieses Marcumar muss regelhaft genommen werden und der sogenannte INR-Wert muss entsprechend eingestellt werden. Dies erfolgt durch Blutentnahmen beim Hausarzt. In jüngerer Vergangenheit kann der Patient sich selbst messen, indem er einen Tropfen Blut in das Messgerät eingibt und den INR-Wert perfekt einstellen kann und insofern eine deutlich verbesserte Unabhängigkeit von der ärztlichen Betreuung erhält.
Eine biologische Herzklappe muss nur für ca. 6 Wochen antikoaguliert werden bis sie eingeheilt ist, wenn im Anschluss daran ein regelmäßiger Herzschlag vorliegt, kann das Marcumar abgesetzt werden und der Patient benötigt keine weitere medikamentöse Behandlung. Beiden Herzklappen gemeinsam ist jedoch, dass sie ein Fremdkörper sind, das heißt bei Untersuchungen mithilfe eines Bronchoskops oder Koloskops oder bei zahnärztlichen Eingriffen, muss eine sogenannte Endokarditis-Prophylaxe durchgeführt werden, das heißt es muss Antibiotikum verabreicht werden, um eine eventuelle Streuung von Bakterien über die Blutbahn an die Herzklappe zu vermeiden.
Was gibt es Neues auf dem Gebiet der Herzklappen-Therapie?
Seit ein paar Jahren sind wir in der Lage, Herzklappe einzusetzen ohne den Brustkorb eröffnen zu müssen und ohne die Herzlungenmaschine anschließen zu müssen. Diese sogenannten Transkatheterklappen können entweder über die Blutbahn in der Leiste bis zum Herzen vorgeführt werden oder aber über einen kleinen Schnitt am linken Brustkorb über die Herzspitze, jeweils in die Aorten-Position.
Welche Neuentwicklungen erwarten Sie in den nächsten 3 – 5 Jahren?
Derzeit können wir herzkathetermontierte Klappenoperationen nur für die Aortenklappe durchführen. Derzeit sind aber viele Teams weltweit damit beschäftigt, auch für die Mitralklappe das Verfahren zu variieren und weiterzuentwickeln, so dass ich damit fest rechne, dass innerhalb der nächsten 1-3 Jahre mit Implantation von biologischen kathetermontierten Mitralklappenprothesen begonnen wird.
Infos zur Klinik
Meine Klinik, die Klinik für Thorax- und kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie am westdeutschen Herzzentrum in Essen, ist spezialisiert auf die Behandlung der Hauptschlagader. Das heißt von der Herzklappe, der Aortenklappe, bis hinunter in den Bauchraum. Diese Erkrankungen stellen eine besondere Herausforderung im Schwierigkeitsgrad und der Komplexität der Behandlung dar. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns intensiv mit der endoskopischen Herzchirurgie, wo wir nicht nur die Mitralklappe, d.h. die Herzklappe zwischen linkem Vorhof und linker Herzkammer behandeln, sondern in jüngerer Vergangenheit auch die Aortenklappe.
Infos zur Person
Ich beschäftige mich seit über 30 Jahren mit dem Fachgebiet der Herzchirurgie und die Herzklappenchirurgie ist davon ein wesentlicher Bestandteil. Ich habe auf diesem Gebiet habilitiert und bin seit 1999 Direktor der Klinik für Thorax- und kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Essen. Und einer unserer klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte ist die Operation von Herzklappen, die entweder ersetzt werden müssen, oder rekonstruiert werden können.
1974 – 1979 | Studium der Medizin an der Universität Freiburg, der Freien Universität Berlin und der Technischen Universität München |
1980 | Approbation |
1981 | Promotion |
1980 – 1982 | Assistenzarzt an der Klinik für Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie am Deutschen Herzzentrum in München (Prof. Dr. F. Sebening) |
1982 – 1983 | Fellowship an der University of Chicago Michael Reese Hospital (Robert L. Replogle, MD) |
1983 – 1984 | Assistenzarzt am Department für Chirurgie Kantonsspital Basel (Prof. Dr. M. Allgöwer, Prof. Dr. F. Harder) |
1985 | Assistenzarzt an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeinchirurgie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Prof. Dr. F. Kümmerle) |
1985 | Assistenzarzt an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Prof. Dr. H. Oelert) |
1986 | Funktionsoberarzt |
1987 | Anerkennung als Arzt für Chirurgie Ernennung zum Oberarzt und Übertragung der Verantwortlichkeit für die Thoraxchirurgie an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie Mainz |
1990 | Erwerb der Teilgebietsbezeichnung Thorax- und Kardiovaskularchirurgie |
1991 | Habilitation an der Universität Mainz |
1992 | Leitender Oberarzt an der Abteilung für Herzchirurgie der Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. S. Hagl) |
1993 | Umhabilitation an die Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
seit 1999 | Direktor der Klinik für Thorax- und Kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie am Universitätsklinikum Essen |
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- Chyloperitoneum. A rare complication after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2000;41(4): 617-8 (Impact(2011)=1.559, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports) Busch T, Lotfi S, Sirbu H, Aleksic I, Dalichau H
- Sodium nitroprusside in patients with compromised left ventricular function undergoing coronary bypass: reduction of cardiac proinflammatory substances. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2000;119(3): 566-74 (Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Controlled Clinical Trial) Massoudy P, Zahler S, Freyholdt T, Henze R, Barankay A, Becker BF, Braun SL, Meisner H
- Doppler-sonographic evidence of cerebral microembolism originating from a biventricular assist device. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2000;48(5): 300-2 (Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports) Buhre W, Buhre K, Aleksic I, Zenker D, Sonntag H, Weyland A
- Vascular tracheobronchial compression syndromes– experience in surgical treatment and literature review. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2000;48(3): 164-74 (Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Review) Sebening C, Jakob H, Tochtermann U, Lange R, Vahl CF, Bodegom P, Szabo G, Fleischer F, Schmidt K, Zilow E, Springer W, Ulmer HE, Hagl S
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- Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula drainage into the left atrium. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2000;48(1): 37-9 (Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports) Tirilomis T, Busch T, Aleksic I, Ruschewski W, Criée CP, Dalichau H
- Improvement of impaired renal function in heart transplant recipients treated with mycophenolate mofetil and low-dose cyclosporine. Transplantation. 2000;69(8): 1586-90 (Impact(2011)=4.003, Typ=Journal Article) Aleksic I, Baryalei M, Busch T, Pieske B, Schorn B, Strauch J, Sîrbu H, Dalichau H
- Long-term results of venous revascularization for Paget-Schroetter syndrome in athletes. Ann Vasc Surg. 2001;15(2): 212-8 (Impact(2001)=1.06, Impact(2011)=1.035, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Feugier P, Aleksic I, Salari R, Durand X, Chevalier JM
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- Endovascular stent-graft placement for diseases of the aorta – a multidisciplinary approach Eur Heart J. 2001;22 Suppl.: 92-92 (Impact(2001)=5.153, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Buck T, Herold U, Piotrowski J, Wiesemess R, Peters J, Erbel R, Barkhausen J, Jakob H
- Influence of modified ultrafiltration on coagulation, fibrinolysis and blood loss in adult cardiac surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2001;19(2): 145-51 (Impact(2001)=1.676, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Randomized Controlled Trial; Article) Leyh RG, Bartels C, Joubert-Hübner E, Bechtel JF, Sievers HH
- Intraoperative flow measurement of native coronary artery can help decision making before CABG. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2001;20(6): 1261-3 (Impact(2001)=1.676, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Massoudy P, Szabó A, van de Wal HJ, Jakob H
- Bronchial artery perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass does not prevent ischemia of the tung in piglets: assessment of bronchial artery blood flow with fluoruescent microspheres – Appendix A. Conference discussion Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2001;19(3): 331-332 (Impact(2001)=1.676, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Editorial) Turina M, Schlensak , Diegeler A, Mesana T, Kamler M, Hasse J, Dougenis D
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- Improved detection and analysis of sensed and paced events in dual chamber pacemakers with extended memory function. A prospective multicenter trial in 626 patients. Herz. 2001;26(1): 30-9 (Impact(2001)=0.86, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Multicenter Study; Article) Sack S, Mouton E, Defaye P, Dagres N, Wolfhard U, Wieneke H, Herrmann J, Oldenburg O, Golles A, Erbel R
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- Hirudin protects from leukocyte/endothelial cell interaction induced by extracorporeal circulation. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2001;49(3): 157-61 (Impact(2001)=0.995, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kamler M, Chatterjee T, Stemberger A, Gebhard MM, Hagl S, Jakob H
- Near-fatal hemoptysis and emergency surgical repair after aortic patch-plasty. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2001;49(5): 310-1 (Impact(2001)=0.995, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Kamler M, Tuengerthal S, Rauch H, Hagl S, Jakob H
- Pneumonectomy for lung cancer in heart transplant recipient. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2001;49(3): 187-8 (Impact(2001)=0.995, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Strauch JT, Aleksic I, Baryalei MM, Dalichau H
- Bronchial artery revascularization affects graft recovery after lung transplantation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;165(2): 216-20 (Impact(2002)=6.567, Impact(2011)=11.08, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Nowak K, Kamler M, Bock M, Motsch J, Hagl S, Jakob H, Gebhard MM
- Results of valve-sparing aortic root reconstruction in 158 consecutive patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74(6): 2026-32; discussion 2032- (Impact(2002)=2.052, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kallenbach K, Hagl C, Walles T, Leyh RG, Pethig K, Haverich A, Harringer W
- Valve-sparing aortic root reconstruction in patients with significant aortic insufficiency. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74(5): S1765-8; discussion S1792 (Impact(2002)=2.052, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kallenbach K, Karck M, Leyh RG, Hagl C, Walles T, Harringer W, Haverich A
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- Anatomic variability in coronary arterial distribution with regard to the arterial switch procedure. Circulation. 2002;106(15): 1980-4 (Impact(2002)=10.255, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Massoudy P, Baltalarli A, de Leval MR, Cook A, Neudorf U, Derrick G, McCarthy KP, Anderson RH
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- Insufficient protection of the conduction system during cardioplegic arrest – Necrosis but not apoptosis Eur Heart J. 2002;23 Suppl.: 127-127 (Impact(2002)=6.131, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Sayk F, Leyh RG, Bechtel JFM, Krueger S, Feller AC, Sievers HH, Bartels C
- Scavenging of free oxyradicals by ascorbic acid attenuates ischaemic preconditioning in pigs Eur Heart J. 2002;23 Suppl.: 375-375 (Impact(2002)=6.131, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Skyschally A, Schulz R, Gres P, Thielmann M, Heusch G
- Endoluminal stent graft repair for acute and chronic type B aortic dissection and atherosclerotic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta: an interdisciplinary task. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;22(6): 891-7 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Herold U, Piotrowski J, Baumgart D, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Jakob H
- Acute dissection of the ascending aorta: first results of emergency valve sparing aortic root reconstruction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;22(2): 218-22 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kallenbach K, Pethig K, Leyh RG, Baric D, Haverich A, Harringer W
- Pitfall in coronary artery bypass surgery: poor flow of left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending artery graft due to compression by a chest drain. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;22(3): 438 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports) Knipp S, Massoudy P, Piotrowski JA, Jakob H
- Clinical relevance of intracranial high intensity transient signals in patients following prosthetic aortic valve replacement. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(1): 22-6 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kofidis T, Fischer S, Leyh R, Mair H, Deckert M, Haberl R, Haverich A, Reichart B
- A novel bioartificial myocardial tissue and its prospective use in cardiac surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;22(2): 238-43 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kofidis T, Akhyari P, Wachsmann B, Boublik J, Mueller-Stahl K, Leyh R, Fischer S, Haverich A
- Intraoperative acute type A dissection caused by an intra-aortic filter (EMBOL-X) in a patient undergoing mitral valve re-replacement for acute endocarditis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(1): 100-1 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Leyh RG, Fischer S, Harringer W, Haverich A
- Anticoagulation for prosthetic heart valves during pregnancy: the importance of warfarin daily dose – Reply Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;22(4): 657-657 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Letter) Leyh RG, Fischer S, Ruhparwar A, Haverich A
- Anticoagulation for prosthetic heart valves during pregnancy: is low-molecular-weight heparin an alternative? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(3): 577-9 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Review; Case Reports; Article) Leyh RG, Fischer S, Ruhparwar A, Haverich A
- Pulmonary preservation with Bretscheider’s HTK and Celsior solution in minipigs. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002;21(6): 1073-9 (Impact(2002)=1.451, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Warnecke G, Strüber M, Hohlfeld JM, Niedermeyer J, Sommer SP, Haverich A
- Ascorbic acid inhibits ischemic preconditioning in pigs. FASEB J. 2002;16(4): A492-A492 (Impact(2002)=7.252, Impact(2011)=5.712, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Skyschally A, Schulz R, Gres P, Thielmann M, Heusch G
- Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass versus off-pump coronary artery bypass via median sternotomy: Is postoperative pain treatment in the intensive care unit different? Heart Surg Forum. 2002;5 Suppl. 3: S268-S271 (Impact(2002)=1.058, Impact(2011)=0.416, Typ=Article) Tirilomis T, Rode O, Zenker D, Aleksic I, Baryalei MM, Dalichau H
- Interventional management of aortic dissection. Herz. 2002;27(6): 539-47 (Impact(2002)=0.906, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Review; Article) Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Herold U, Piotrowski J, Barkhausen J, Wiesemes R, Peters J, Rühm SG, Jakob H, Erbel R
- Cystatin C and alpha1-microglobulin as accurate markers for prediction of acute tubular necrosis Intensive Care Med. 2002;28 Suppl.: S185-S185 (Impact(2002)=2.041, Impact(2011)=5.399, Typ=Meeting Abstract; Meeting Abstract) Marggraf G, Herget-Rosenthal S, Thielmann M, Bonabi S, Yildirim C, Szabo AK, Rohe P, Unkhoff C, Jakob H
- Relevance of troponin-I for detection of early graft occlusion after coronary artery bypass grafting Intensive Care Med. 2002;28 Suppl.: S122-S122 (Impact(2002)=2.041, Impact(2011)=5.399, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Marggraf G, Van de Wal H, Piotrowski J, Herold U, Kamler M, Baumgart D, Jakob H
- Long-term clinical effect of hemodynamically optimized cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure and ventricular conduction delay. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39(12): 2026-33 (Impact(2002)=6.278, Impact(2011)=14.156, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Randomized Controlled Trial; Article) Auricchio A, Stellbrink C, Sack S, Block M, Vogt J, Bakker P, Huth C, Schöndube F, Wolfhard U, Böcker D, Krahnefeld O, Kirkels H
- Sphingosine contributes to tumor necrosis factor-a-mediated contractile dysfunction in response to coronary microembolization J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39 Suppl.(5): 338A-338A (Impact(2002)=6.278, Impact(2011)=14.156, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Martin C, Dorge H, Belosjorow S, Schwanke U, Kruger A, van de Sand A, Konietzka I, Schulz R, Heusch G
- Ascorbic acid inhibits ischemic preconditioning in pigs. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2002;34(6): A58-A58 (Impact(2002)=4.091, Impact(2011)=5.166, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Skyschally A, Schulz R, Gres P, Thielmann M, Heusch G
- Myocardial dysfunction with coronary microembolization: Signal transduction through a sequence of NO, TNF alpha and sphingosine J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2002;34(6): A63-A63 (Impact(2002)=4.091, Impact(2011)=5.166, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Belosjorow S, Martin C, Schwanke U, van de Sand A, Konietzka I, Schulz R, Heusch G
- In vitro engineering of heart muscle: artificial myocardial tissue. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;124(1): 63-9 (Impact(2002)=2.842, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kofidis T, Akhyari P, Boublik J, Theodorou P, Martin U, Ruhparwar A, Fischer S, Eschenhagen T, Kubis HP, Kraft T, Leyh R, Haverich A
- Aortic root reimplantation for successful repair of an insufficient pulmonary autograft valve after the Ross procedure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;124(5): 1048-9 (Impact(2002)=2.842, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Editorial) Leyh RG, Kofidis T, Fischer S, Kallenbach K, Harringer W, Haverich A
- Valve-sparing aortic root replacement in patients after a previous operation for acute type A aortic dissection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;123(2): 377-8 (Impact(2002)=2.842, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Editorial) Leyh RG, Fischer S, Ruhparwar A, Karck M, Harringer W, Haverich A
- Surfactant function in lung transplantation after 24 hours of ischemia: advantage of retrograde flush perfusion for preservation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;123(1): 98-103 (Impact(2002)=2.842, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Strüber M, Hohlfeld JM, Kofidis T, Warnecke G, Niedermeyer J, Sommer SP, Haverich A
- ENDOVASCULAR STENT-GRAFTS FOR THORACIC AORTIC DISEASE Materwiss Werksttech. 2002;33(12): 779-785 (Impact(2002)=0.178, Impact(2011)=0.543, Typ=Article) EGGEBRECHT H, BAUMGART D, HEROLD U, RASUSCH S, NABER C, HAUDE M, BARKHAUSEN J, JAKOB H, ERBEL R
- Cardiac contrast-enhanced MRI and [18F]-FDG-PET in the assessment of myocardial viability: Accuracy of the prediction of functional recovery after revascularisation Radiology. 2002;225 Suppl.: 298-298 (Impact(2002)=4.844, Impact(2011)=5.726, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Hunold P, Brandt-Mainz K, Knipp S, Neumann T, Debatin JF, Barkhausen J
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- Endothelial anatomy of the human heart: immunohistochemical evaluation of endothelial differentiation. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;50(4): 230-6 (Impact(2002)=0.802, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wilhelmi M, Fischer S, Leyh R, Mertsching H, Haverich A
- [Echocardiographic detection of tricuspid valve endocarditis and right atrial and ventricular masses in a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia] Ultraschall Med. 2002;23(5): 341-4 (Impact(2002)=1.114, Impact(2011)=2.398, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Buchheidt D, Weiss A, Jakob H, Hehlmann R
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- [Is chronic graft rejection the reason for degenerative changes in allogeneic and xenogeneic heart valve prostheses: immunohistochemical evaluation of inflammatory factors] Z Kardiol. 2002;91(10): 825-32 (Impact(2002)=0.764, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wilhelmi M, Fischer S, Mertsching H, Leyh R, Karck M, Haverich A
- Endovascular stent-graft repair for penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the descending aorta. Am J Cardiol. 2003;91(9): 1150-3 (Impact(2003)=3.059, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Article) Eggebrecht H, Baumgart D, Schmermund A, von Birgelen C, Herold U, Wiesemes R, Barkhausen J, Jakob H, Erbel R
- Induction of endotoxin tolerance improves lung function after warm ischemia in dogs. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2003;284(1): L224-31 (Impact(2003)=3.735, Impact(2011)=3.662, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Friedrich I, Spillner J, Lu EX, Barnscheidt M, Kuss O, Sablotzki A, Schade FU, Borgermann J
- In vivo repopulation of xenogeneic and allogeneic acellular valve matrix conduits in the pulmonary circulation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;75(5): 1457-63; discussion 1463 (Impact(2003)=2.041, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Leyh RG, Wilhelmi M, Rebe P, Fischer S, Kofidis T, Haverich A, Mertsching H
- Perfusing and ventilating the patient’s lungs during bypass ameliorates the increase in extravascular thermal volume after coronary bypass grafting. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76(2): 516-21; discussion 521-2 (Impact(2003)=2.041, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Massoudy P, Piotrowski JA, van de Wal HC, Giebler R, Marggraf G, Peters J, Jakob HG
- Long-term results after reconstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract by aortoventriculoplasty. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;75(1): 143-6 (Impact(2003)=2.041, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Ullmann MV, Gorenflo M, Sebening C, Lange R, Jakob HG, Ulmer HE, Hagl S
- Enrichment of cells of the cardiac conduction system: Neuregulin-1 enhances the expression of Connexin 40 in embryonic cardiomyocytes Circulation. 2003;108 Suppl.(17): 240-240 (Impact(2003)=11.164, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Ruhparwar A, Niehaus M, Radke K, Leyh RG, Simon A, Martin U, Haverich A
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- Plasma levels of cardiac troponin I in patients following coronary artery bypass surgery with end-stage renal disease Crit Care Med. 2003;31(12): A53-A53 (Impact(2003)=4.195, Impact(2011)=6.33, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Marggraf G, Massoudy P, Jakob H, Herget-Rosenthal S, Kohnle M, Philipp T
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- Small ischemic brain lesions after cardiac valve replacement detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: relation to neurocognitive function. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2005;28(1): 88-96 (Impact(2005)=1.802, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Article) Knipp SC, Matatko N, Schlamann M, Wilhelm H, Thielmann M, Forsting M, Diener HC, Jakob H
- Antiphospholipid syndrome in cardiac surgery-an underestimated coagulation disorder? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2005;28(1): 133-7 (Impact(2005)=1.802, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Massoudy P, Cetin SM, Thielmann M, Kienbaum P, Piotrowski JA, Marggraf G, Specker C, Jakob H
- Risk stratification with cardiac troponin I in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2005;27(5): 861-9 (Impact(2005)=1.802, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Neuhäuser M, Knipp S, Kamler M, Marggraf G, Piotrowski J, Jakob H
- Impact of intraoperative myocardial cellular damage on early hemodynamics after off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. Eur J Med Res. 2005;10(5): 218-26 (Impact(2005)=0.944, Impact(2011)=0.978, Typ=Journal Article; Clinical Trial; Article) Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Marggraf G, Assenmacher E, Kienbaum P, Piotrowski J, Jakob H
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- Aortocoronary shunting during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery as acute reperfusion strategy in ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;82(4): 1521-3 (Impact(2006)=2.342, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Szabo A, Aleksic I, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Szolnoki J, Jakob H
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- Disseminated intravascular clotting associated with Fc-receptor IIa-mediated platelet activation in a patient with endocarditis after aortic valve replacement. Br J Anaesth. 2006;97(5): 630-3 (Impact(2006)=2.679, Impact(2011)=4.243, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Volbracht L, Jakob H, Greinacher A, Peters J
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- Impact of preoperative statin therapy on postoperative major adverse cardiac events following coronary artery bypass surgery Circulation. 2006;114 Suppl.(18): 711-711 (Impact(2006)=10.94, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Neuhauser M, Pizanis N, Aleksic I, Kamler M, Herold U, Piotrowski J, Massoudy P, Jakob H
- Prognostic impact of previous percutaneous coronary intervention it patients with diabetic 3-vessel coronary artery disease undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery Circulation. 2006;114 Suppl.(18): 434-435 (Impact(2006)=10.94, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Neuhauser M, Assenmacher E, Knipp S, Aleksic I, Kamler M, Jakob H
- Prognostic significance of multiple previous percutaneous coronary interventions in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery. Circulation. 2006;114(1 Suppl): I441-7 (Impact(2006)=10.94, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Article) Thielmann M, Leyh R, Massoudy P, Neuhäuser M, Aleksic I, Kamler M, Herold U, Piotrowski J, Jakob H
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- Endovascular stent-graft placement in aortic dissection: a meta-analysis. Eur Heart J. 2006;27(4): 489-498 (Impact(2006)=7.286, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Eggebrecht H, Nienaber CA, Neuhäuser M, Baumgart D, Kische S, Schmermund A, Herold U, Rehders TC, Jakob HG, Erbel R
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- Administration of C1-esterase inhibitor during emergency coronary artery bypass surgery in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006;30(2): 285-293 (Impact(2006)=2.106, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Marggraf G, Neuhäuser M, Forkel J, Herold U, Kamler M, Massoudy P, Jakob H
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- Acute massive pulmonary embolism detected with angiography and intravascular ultrasound treated by pulmonary embolectomy. The hybrid concept. Herz. 2006;31(4): 366-7 (Impact(2006)=0.629, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Kälsch H, Sack S, Erbel R, Jakob H
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- Incidence and predictors of procedure-related nephropathy after thoracic aortic stent-graft placement J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;47 Suppl.(4): 31B-31B (Impact(2006)=9.701, Impact(2011)=14.156, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Eggebrecht H, Breuckmann F, Naber CK, Herold U, Kienbaum P, Peters J, Jakob HG, Erbel R, Mehta RH
- Intense vasoconstriction in response to aspirate from stented saphenous vein aortocoronary bypass grafts. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;47(5): 981-6 (Impact(2006)=9.701, Impact(2011)=14.156, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Leineweber K, Böse D, Vogelsang M, Haude M, Erbel R, Heusch G
- In Vitro Evaluation of Current Thoracic Aortic Stent-Grafts for Real-time MR-Guided Placement. J Endovasc Ther. 2006;13(1): 62-71 (Impact(2006)=2.135, Impact(2011)=2.856, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Eggebrecht H, Zenge M, Ladd ME, Erbel R, Quick HH
- Effects of PDE-5 inhibitor on pulmonary macro- and microcirculation J Vasc Res. 2006;43 Suppl.: 81-81 (Impact(2006)=2.505, Impact(2011)=2.651, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Milekhin V, Pizanis N, Kaiser K, Maykan R, Butrous G, Jakob H, Kamler M
- PDE-5 inhibitor modified lung perfusion improves graft function after 24h ischemia J Vasc Res. 2006;43 Suppl.: 35-35 (Impact(2006)=2.505, Impact(2011)=2.651, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Pizanis N, Milekhin V, Thielmann M, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Kamler M
- The Arg389Gly-beta(1)-adrenoceptor polymorphism determines the demand of inotropic catecholamine support in patients after coronary artery bypass grafting Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2006;372 Suppl.: 141-141 (Impact(2006)=2.779, Impact(2011)=2.647, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Brodde OE, Wagner S, Jakob HG, Leineweber K
- Gender-specific differences in myocardial square-adrenoceptor-density and -responsiveness in right atria obtained from patients with coronary artery disease Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2006;372 Suppl.: 87-87 (Impact(2006)=2.779, Impact(2011)=2.647, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Kuppenbender J, Wagner S, Jakob HG, Leineweber K
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- Longitudinal follow-up of cognitive function after cardiac valve replacement: A three-year prospective study Circulation. 2007;116 Suppl.(16): 2063 – (Impact(2007)=12.755, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Knipp SC, Uslar S, Thielmann M, Matatko N, Schlamann M, Forsting M, Diener HC, Jakob H
- Prognostic impact of previous percutaneous coronary interventions on coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A multicentric analysis from the German Federal State North-Rhine-Westphalia Circulation. 2007;116 Suppl.(16): 395-395 (Impact(2007)=12.755, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Lehmann N, Marr A, Kleikamp G, Maleszka A, Zittermann A, Korfer R, Radu M, Krian A, Litmathe J, Gams E, Sezer O, Scheld H, Schiller W, Welz A, Dohmen G, Autschlbach R, Slottosch I, Wahlers T, Neuhauser M, Jockel KH, Jakob H
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- Rapid and safe direct cannulation of the true lumen of the ascending aorta in acute type A aortic dissection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007;134(1): 244-5 (Impact(2007)=3.354, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Editorial) Jakob H, Tsagakis K, Szabo A, Wiese I, Thielmann M, Herold U
- Lipid-lowering effect of preoperative statin therapy on postoperative major adverse cardiac events after coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007;134(5): 1143-9 (Impact(2007)=3.354, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Thielmann M, Neuhäuser M, Marr A, Jaeger BR, Wendt D, Schuetze B, Kamler M, Massoudy P, Erbel R, Jakob H
- Prognostic impact of previous percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with diabetes mellitus and triple-vessel disease undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007;134(2): 470-6 (Impact(2007)=3.354, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Neuhäuser M, Knipp S, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Marr A, Pizanis N, Hartmann M, Kamler M, Massoudy P, Jakob H
- Computer model for the optimization of AV and VV delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2007;45(9): 845-54 (Impact(2007)=0.943, Impact(2011)=1.878, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Reumann M, Farina D, Miri R, Lurz S, Osswald B, Dössel O
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- Magnetic resonance imaging in coronary artery bypass surgery–improvement of global and segmental function in patients with severely compromized left ventricular function. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2007;3(5): 763-8 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article) Thielmann M, Hunold P, Böhm C, Massoudy P, Jakob H
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- Long-Term Outcome of Patients With Type B Aortic Dissection Undergoing Endovascular Stent-Graft Placement Am J Cardiol. 2008;102 Suppl.(8A): 39I-39I (Impact(2008)=3.905, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Huptas S, Eggebrecht H, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Erbel R
- Procedural Developments and Evolutions in Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement: A Single-Center Experience Am J Cardiol. 2008;102 Suppl.(8A): 237I-237I (Impact(2008)=3.905, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Sack S, Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Peters J, Peters J, Jakob HG, Erbel R
- Cardiac surgery in patients on dialysis: decreased 30-day mortality, unchanged overall survival. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85(1): 147-53 (Impact(2008)=2.689, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Bechtel JF, Detter C, Fischlein T, Krabatsch T, Osswald BR, Riess FC, Scholz F, Schönburg M, Stamm C, Sievers HH, Bartels C
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- Cognitive outcomes three years after coronary artery bypass surgery: relation to diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85(3): 872-9 (Impact(2008)=2.689, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Knipp SC, Matatko N, Wilhelm H, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Lösch C, Diener HC, Jakob H
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- Characterization of the GNAQ promoter and association of increased Gq expression with cardiac hypertrophy in humans. Eur Heart J. 2008;29(7): 888-97 (Impact(2008)=8.917, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Frey UH, Lieb W, Erdmann J, Savidou D, Heusch G, Leineweber K, Jakob H, Hense HW, Löwel H, Brockmeyer NH, Schunkert H, Siffert W
- Role of balloon occlusion for mononuclear bone marrow cell deposition after intracoronary injection in pigs with reperfused myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J. 2008;29(15): 1911-21 (Impact(2008)=8.917, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Comparative Study; Article) Tossios P, Krausgrill B, Schmidt M, Fischer T, Halbach M, Fries JW, Fahnenstich S, Frommolt P, Heppelmann I, Schmidt A, Schomäcker K, Fischer JH, Bloch W, Mehlhorn U, Schwinger RH, Müller-Ehmsen J
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- Clinical implications of systemic inflammatory response syndrome following thoracic aortic stent-graft placement. J Endovasc Ther. 2008;15(2): 135-43 (Impact(2008)=2.682, Impact(2011)=2.856, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Eggebrecht H, Mehta RH, Metozounve H, Huptas S, Herold U, Jakob HG, Erbel R
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- Novel lung preservation with Custodiol’N in an experimental lung transplantation model J Heart Lung Transplant. 2008;27 Suppl. (2): 366 – (Impact(2008)=3.323, Impact(2011)=4.332, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Pizanis N, Petrov A, Heckmann J, Tsagakis K, Pilarczyk K, de Groot H, Jakob H, Rauen U, Kamler M
- Recurrent infective endocarditis with uncommon Gram-negative Pasteurella multocida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a case report. J Heart Valve Dis. 2008;17(6): 710-3 (Impact(2008)=1.112, Impact(2011)=0.811, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Reinsch N, Plicht B, Lind A, Jánosi RA, Buck T, Kamler M, Jakob H, Naber CK, Erbel R
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- Preexisting atrial fibrillation as predictor for late-time mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing cardiac surgery–a multicenter study. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008;56(3): 128-32 (Impact(2008)=0.77, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Comparative Study; Article) Schönburg M, Ziegelhoeffer T, Weinbrenner F, Bechtel M, Detter C, Krabatsch T, Osswald B, Riess FC, Scholz F, Stamm C, Sievers HH, Bartels C
- ICU controlled delay for acute type a aortic dissection repair after intervention for total visceral malperfusion: a way out of a dilemma? Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008;56(5): 298-300 (Impact(2008)=0.77, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tsagakis K, Pizanis N, Kamler M, Konorza T, Zoepf T, Erbel R, Jakob H
- Coronary artery bypass surgery after lung injury due to a displaced atrial pacemaker lead. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008;56(3): 181-2 (Impact(2008)=0.77, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Article) Wendt D, Kamler M, Jakob H
- Silent and Apparent Cerebral Ischemia After Percutaneous Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation Am J Cardiol. 2009;104 Suppl.(6A): 30D-30D (Impact(2009)=3.575, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Kahlert P, Knipp S, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Johansson U, Wendt D, Jakob HG, Forsting M, Sack S, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Vascular Access Site Complications After Completely Percutaneous Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation Am J Cardiol. 2009;104 Suppl.(6A): 49D-49D (Impact(2009)=3.575, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Kahlert P, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob HG, Sack S, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Mid-term Effect of Transfemoral Aortic Valve Implantation on Plasma B-type Natriuretic Peptide Am J Cardiol. 2009;104 Suppl.(6A): 50D-50D (Impact(2009)=3.575, Impact(2011)=3.368, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Kahlert P, Weber M, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob HG, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Postoperative Ischemia and Cognitive Impairment in Cardiac Surgery Patients Reply Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;87(2): 673-674 (Impact(2011)=0.695, Typ=Letter) Knipp SC, Jakob H, Losch C, Matatko N, Wilhelm H, Diener HC, Schlamann M
- Avoidance of Proximal Endoleak Using a Hybrid Stent Graft in Arch Replacement and Descending Aorta Stenting Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;88(3): 773-780 (Impact(2011)=0.695, Typ=Article) Tsagakis K, Kamler M, Kuehl H, Kowalczyk W, Tossios P, Thielmann M, Osswald B, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Jakob H
- Should an Endovascular Procedure Be Combined With Resection for Type A Aortic Dissection? Reply Ann Thorac Surg. 2009;88(4): 1388-1389 (Impact(2009)=3.644, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Letter) Jakob H, Tsagakis K
- Massive alterations of the left internal thoracic artery late after repair for aortic coarctation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009;87(2): 634-6 (Impact(2009)=3.644, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Editorial) Osswald BR, Knipp S, Wiese I, Jakob HG
- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with very high risk for conventional aortic valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009;88(5): 1468-74 (Impact(2009)=3.644, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Wendt D, Eggebrecht H, Kahlert P, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Erbel R, Jakob H, Sack S
- Society of Thoracic Surgeons score is superior to the EuroSCORE determining mortality in high risk patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009;88(2): 468-74; discussion 474-5 (Impact(2009)=3.644, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Wendt D, Osswald BR, Kayser K, Thielmann M, Tossios P, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Jakob H
- Local and systemic 20S proteasome release in patients with stenting of stenotic saphenous vein bypass grafts – a pilot study Arch Med Sci. 2009;5(4): 559-563 (Impact(2009)=1.012, Impact(2011)=1.214, Typ=Article) Sixt SU, Leineweber K, Bose D, Konorza T, Haude M, Haude M, Hogrebe S, Kleinbongard P, Erbel R, Erbel R, Peters J, Heusch G
- Neurological and Cognitive Function After Percutaneous Transapical Aortic Valve Implantation With the Edwards SAPIEN (TM) Stent Valve Bioprosthesis Circulation. 2009;120 Suppl.(18): S983-S983 (Impact(2009)=14.816, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Knipp SC, Lueck S, Fritsch JF, Jokisch D, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Kamler M, Diener HC, Erbel R, Jakob H
- Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Reduces Myocardial Injury After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery With Cristalloid Cardioplegic Arrest Circulation. 2009;120 Suppl.(18): S989-S989 (Impact(2009)=14.816, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Kottenberg E, Boengler K, Raffelsieper C, Wendt D, Neuhauser M, Peters J, Jakob H, Heusch G
- Comparison of Heart-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein With Cardiac Troponin I for Early Detection of Myocardial Infarction After Coronary Bypass Surgery Circulation. 2009;120 Suppl.(18): S944-S944 (Impact(2009)=14.816, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Thielmann M, Massoudy P, Wendt D, Tossios P, Marggraf G, Kamler M, Neuhauser M, Jakob H
- Complete reversal of paraplegia after thoracic endovascular aortic repair in a patient with complicated acute aortic dissection using immediate cerebrospinal fluid drainage Clin Res Cardiol. 2009;98(12): 797-801 (Impact(2009)=2.958, Impact(2011)=2.95, Typ=Article) Eggebrecht H, Bose D, Gasser T, Benedik J, Mummel P, Muller O, Kahlert P, Tsagakis K, Jakob HG, Erbel R
- ARTA: AT1-receptor blocker therapy in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Clin Res Cardiol. 2009;98(1): 33-43 (Impact(2009)=2.958, Impact(2011)=2.95, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Flesch M, Knipp S, Kessler G, Geissler HJ, Massoudy P, Wilhelm H, Philipp T, Erdmann E
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- A novel functional haplotype in the human GNAS gene alters Galphas expression, responsiveness to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation, and peri-operative cardiac performance. Eur Heart J. 2009;30(11): 1402-10 (Impact(2009)=9.8, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Frey UH, Adamzik M, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Jakob H, Manthey I, Broecker-Preuss M, Bergmann L, Heusch G, Siffert W, Peters J, Leineweber K
- Overestimation of aortic valve replacement risk by EuroSCORE: implications for percutaneous valve replacement. Eur Heart J. 2009;30(1): 74-80 (Impact(2009)=9.8, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Osswald BR, Gegouskov V, Badowski-Zyla D, Tochtermann U, Thomas G, Hagl S, Blackstone EH
- Hybrid treatment for aortic arch and proximal descending thoracic aneurysm: experience with stent grafting for second-stage elephant trunk repair discussion Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009;36(6): 961-961 (Impact(2009)=2.397, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Editorial) Jakob H, Kawaharada , Jakob , Mestres C
- High defibrillation threshold in patients with implantable defibrillator: how effective is the subcutaneous finger lead? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009;35(3): 489-92 (Impact(2009)=2.397, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Osswald BR, De Simone R, Most S, Tochtermann U, Tanzeem A, Karck M
- Improvement of pulmonary microcirculation after lung transplantation using phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor modified preservation solution. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009;35(5): 801-6 (Impact(2009)=2.397, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Pizanis N, Heckmann J, Wendt D, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Kamler M
- In vitro results of a new minimally invasive aortic valve resecting tool. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009;35(4): 622-7; discussion 627 (Impact(2009)=2.397, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wendt D, Müller W, Hauck F, Thielmann M, Wendt H, Kipfmüller B, Vogel B, Jakob H
- [Anesthesia with transfemoral and transapical aortic valve implantation. Periinterventional management and hemodynamic observations] Herz. 2009;34(5): 381-7 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Controlled Clinical Trial; English Abstract; Article) Bergmann L, Kottenberg E, Heine T, Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Erbel R, Peters J
- [Current status for interventional and surgical aortic valve implantation] Herz. 2009;34(5): 339-42 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Editorial; Introductory Journal Article; Editorial) Erbel R, Jakob HG
- The role of imaging in percutaneous mitral valve repair. Herz. 2009;34(6): 458-67 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Review; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Kahlert P, Plicht B, Jánosi RA, Kamler M, Kühl H, Eggebrecht H, Sack S, Buck T, Konorza T, Erbel R
- Transfemoral aortic valve implantation in a patient with prior mechanical mitral valve replacement. Herz. 2009;34(8): 645-7 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Thielmann M, Wendt D, Jakob HG, Sack S, Erbel R
- Vascular access site complications after percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Herz. 2009;34(5): 398-408 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Controlled Clinical Trial; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Weber M, Wendt D, Heine T, Kottenberg E, Thielmann M, Kühl H, Peters J, Jakob HG, Sack S, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- [Minimally invasive heart and mitral valve surgery] Herz. 2009;34(6): 436-42 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Review; English Abstract; Article) Kamler M, Wendt D, Pul U, Thielmann M, Buck T, Kottenberg E, Erbel R, Jakob H
- [Experience and learning curve with transapical aortic valve implantation] Herz. 2009;34(5): 388-97 (Impact(2009)=0.894, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Wendt D, Eggebrecht H, Kahlert P, Heine T, Kottenberg E, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Peters J, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M
- Thrombophilia in cardiac surgery-patients with symptomatic factor V Leiden. J Card Surg. 2009;24(4): 379-82 (Impact(2009)=0.804, Impact(2011)=0.865, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Müller-Beißenhirtz H, Görlinger K, Dietrich W, Herget-Rosenthal S, Jakob H
- Minimally invasive, minimally reimbursed? Anesthesia for endoscopic cardiac surgery is not reflected adequately in the german diagnosis-related group system. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2009;23(2): 142-6 (Impact(2009)=1.062, Impact(2011)=1.64, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Merguet P, Kamler M, Peters J
- Aortic remodeling in type B aortic dissection: effects of endovascular stent-graft repair and medical treatment on true and false lumen volumes. J Endovasc Ther. 2009;16(1): 28-38 (Impact(2009)=2.902, Impact(2011)=2.856, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Comparative Study; Article) Huptas S, Mehta RH, Kühl H, Tsagakis K, Reinsch N, Kahlert P, Jakob HG, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Results of a Propensity Score-Matched Comparison of the Perimount Magna and Mosaic Ultra Aortic Valve Prostheses J Heart Valve Dis. 2009;18(6): 703-711 (Impact(2009)=1.033, Impact(2011)=0.811, Typ=Article) Wendt D, Buck T, Janosi RA, Thielmann M, Pul U, Neuhauser M, Piotrowski JA, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Erbel R, Jakob H
- Use of Circular Foldable Nitinol Blades for Resecting Calcified Aortic Heart Valves J Mater Eng Perform. 2009;18(5-6): 463-469 (Impact(2009)=0.592, Impact(2011)=0.855, Typ=Article) Hauck F, Wendt D, Stuhle S, Kawa E, Wendt H, Muller W, Thielmann M, Kipfmuller B, Vogel B, Jakob H
- THE LINK BETWEEN PREVIOUS PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION AND CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFT RISK Reply J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;138(3): 790-790 (Impact(2009)=3.063, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Letter) Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Jakob H
- Impact of prior percutaneous coronary intervention on the outcome of coronary artery bypass surgery: a multicenter analysis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;137(4): 840-5 (Impact(2009)=3.063, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Massoudy P, Thielmann M, Lehmann N, Marr A, Kleikamp G, Maleszka A, Zittermann A, Körfer R, Radu M, Krian A, Litmathe J, Gams E, Sezer O, Scheld H, Schiller W, Welz A, Dohmen G, Autschbach R, Slottosch I, Wahlers T, Neuhäuser M, Jöckel KH, Jakob H
- Aortoesophageal fistula after thoracic aortic stent-graft placement: a rare but catastrophic complication of a novel emerging technique. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2009;2(6): 570-6 (Impact(2011)=6.8, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Eggebrecht H, Mehta RH, Dechene A, Tsagakis K, Kühl H, Huptas S, Gerken G, Jakob HG, Erbel R
- A new tool for the resection of aortic valves: In-vitro results for turning moments and forces using Nitinol cutting edges Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009;18(3): 164-171 (Impact(2009)=1.33, Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Article) Hauck F, Wendt D, Muller W, Stuhle S, Wendt H, Thielmann M, Kipfmuller B, Vogel B, Jakob H
- Guidance of percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve implantation by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography – A single-center experience Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009;18(3): 142-148 (Impact(2009)=1.33, Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Article) Janosi RA, Kahlert P, Plicht B, Bose D, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Buck T
- New techniques for the treatment of valvular aortic stenosis – transcatheter aortic valve implantation with the SAPIEN heart valve Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009;18(3): 131-141 (Impact(2009)=1.33, Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Review) Thielmann M, Eggebrecht H, Wendt D, Kahlert P, Ideler B, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Erbel R, Jakob H
- NiTinol-based cutting edges for endovascular heart valve resection: first in-vitro cutting results. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009;18(1): 1-7 (Impact(2009)=1.33, Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wendt D, Stühle S, Kawa E, Thielmann M, Kipfmüller B, Wendt H, Hauck F, Vogel B, Fischer H, Jakob H
- Sutureless aortic valves over the last 45 years Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009;18(3): 122-130 (Impact(2009)=1.33, Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Review) Wendt D, Thielmann M, Pizanis N, Janosi RA, Kamler M, Jakob H
- Decreased expression of microRNA miR-133 but not miR-1 is associated with impaired cardiac performance Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2009;379 Suppl.: 234 – (Impact(2009)=2.631, Impact(2011)=2.647, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Danowski N, Frey UH, Kottenberg-Assenmacher E, Jakob HG, Manthey I, Siffert W, Peters J
- Automatic External Defibrillator – Mode of Operation and Clinical Use Notarzt. 2009;25(3): 77-81 (Impact(2009)=0.075, Impact(2011)=0.276, Typ=Article) Wieneke H, Konorza T, Breuckmann F, Reinsch N, Erbel R, Erbel R
- Effect Of Candesartan On Cognitive And Renal Function In Patients Undergoing On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: The ARTA Trial. Stroke. 2009;40(4): E273-E273 (Impact(2009)=7.041, Impact(2011)=5.729, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Knipp SC, Flesch M, Wilhelm H, Massoudy P, Schlamann M, Assenmacher E, Philipp T, Erdmann E, Diener HC, Jakob H
- Myocardial infarction: an important factor for surgical decision making? Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009;57(3): 130-4 (Impact(2009)=0.745, Impact(2011)=0.882, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Osswald BR, Tochtermann U, Keller S, Badowski-Zyla D, Gegouskov V, Thomas G, Jakob HG, Hagl S
- Same Retention of Mononuclear Bone Marrow Cells after Intracoronary Infusion with or without Balloon in Infarcted Pig Hearts Tissue Eng Part A. 2009;15(3): 707-708 (Impact(2009)=2.291, Impact(2011)=4.022, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Krausgrill B, Tossios P, Schmidt M, Fischer T, Halbach M, Schomacker K, Fischer JH, Bloch W, Mehlhorn U, Schwinger RHG, Muller-Ehmsen J
- Complex acute dissection of the aortic arch–a novel hybrid concept for one stage surgical repair. Acta Chir Belg. 2010;110(2): 178-84 (Impact(2010)=0.352, Impact(2011)=0.432, Typ=Journal Article; Review; Article) Benedik J, Tsagakis K, Kamler M, Tossios P, Mathias T, Eggebrecht H, Jakob H
- Risk factors of acute kidney injury in chronic kidney disease. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89(2): 673; author reply 673-4 (Impact(2010)=3.558, Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Comment; Letter; Letter) Herget-Rosenthal S, Jakob H, Massoudy P
- Remote ischemic preconditioning reduces myocardial injury after coronary artery bypass surgery with crystalloid cardioplegic arrest. Basic Res Cardiol. 2010;105(5): 657-64 (Impact(2010)=6.128, Impact(2011)=7.348, Typ=Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial; Article) Thielmann M, Kottenberg E, Boengler K, Raffelsieper C, Neuhaeuser M, Peters J, Jakob H, Heusch G
- High prevalence of amyloid in 150 surgically removed heart valves–a comparison of histological and clinical data reveals a correlation to atheroinflammatory conditions. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2010;19(4): 228-35 (Impact(2010)=1.881, Impact(2011)=2.066, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Kristen AV, Schnabel PA, Winter B, Helmke BM, Longerich T, Hardt S, Koch A, Sack FU, Katus HA, Linke RP, Dengler TJ
- CoreValve dislocation: breaking the wave of enthusiasm? Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3(6): 523-5 (Impact(2010)=4.364, Impact(2011)=6.058, Typ=Comment; Editorial; Editorial) Kahlert P, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R
- Silent and apparent cerebral ischemia after percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve implantation: a diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study. Circulation. 2010;121(7): 870-8 (Impact(2010)=14.429, Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Kahlert P, Knipp SC, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Al-Rashid F, Weber M, Johansson U, Wendt D, Jakob HG, Forsting M, Sack S, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- [Successful treatment of secondary aortoesophageal fistula after thoracic endovascular aortic repair]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2010;135(42): 2076-80 (Impact(2010)=0.5, Impact(2011)=0.528, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; English Abstract; Article) Engelhardt H, Paul A, Niebel W, Dechêne A, Przyborek M, Tsagakis K, Kühl H, Jakob H, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Guidelines on myocardial revascularization: The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). Eur Heart J. 2010;31(20): 2501-55 (Impact(2010)=10.046, Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions , Wijns W, Kolh P, Danchin N, Di Mario C, Falk V, Folliguet T, Garg S, Huber K, James S, Knuuti J, Lopez-Sendon J, Marco J, Menicanti L, Ostojic M, Piepoli MF, Pirlet C, Pomar JL, Reifart N, Ribichini FL, Schalij MJ, Sergeant P, Serruys PW, Silber S, Sousa Uva M, Taggart D, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines , Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas PE, Widimsky P, EACTS Clinical Guidelines Committee , Kolh P, Alfieri O, Dunning J, Elia S, Kappetein P, Lockowandt U, Sarris G, Vouhe P, Kearney P, von Segesser L, Agewall S, Aladashvili A, Alexopoulos D, Antunes MJ, Atalar E, Brutel de la Riviere A, Doganov A, Eha J, Fajadet J, Ferreira R, Garot J, Halcox J, Hasin Y, Janssens S, Kervinen K, Laufer G, Legrand V, Nashef SA, Neumann FJ, Niemela K, Nihoyannopoulos P, Noc M, Piek JJ, Pirk J, Rozenman Y, Sabate M, Starc R, Thielmann M, Wheatley DJ, Windecker S, Zembala M
- Lung transplantation using donors 55 years and older: is it safe or just a way out of organ shortage? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;38(2): 192-7 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Pizanis N, Heckmann J, Tsagakis K, Tossios P, Massoudy P, Wendt D, Jakob H, Kamler M
- Guidelines on myocardial revascularization. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;38 Suppl: S1-S52 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Practice Guideline; Article) Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS , European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) , Kolh P, Wijns W, Danchin N, Di Mario C, Falk V, Folliguet T, Garg S, Huber K, James S, Knuuti J, Lopez-Sendon J, Marco J, Menicanti L, Ostojic M, Piepoli MF, Pirlet C, Pomar JL, Reifart N, Ribichini FL, Schalij MJ, Sergeant P, Serruys PW, Silber S, Sousa Uva M, Taggart D
- Perioperative thrombocytopenia in cardiac surgical patients – incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, morbidities and mortality. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;37(6): 1391-5 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Bunschkowski M, Tossios P, Selleng S, Marggraf G, Greinacher A, Jakob H, Massoudy P
- Risk prediction and outcomes in patients with liver cirrhosis undergoing open-heart surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;38(5): 592-9 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Mechmet A, Neuhäuser M, Wendt D, Tossios P, Canbay A, Massoudy P, Jakob H
- Angioscopy–a valuable tool in guiding hybrid stent grafting and decision making during type A aortic dissection surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;38(4): 507-9 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tsagakis K, Kamler M, Benedik J, Jakob H
- Trans-apical aortic valve implantation: univariate and multivariate analyses of the early results from the SOURCE registry. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010;38(2): 119-27 (Impact(2010)=2.293, Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Wendler O, Walther T, Nataf P, Rubino P, Schroefel H, Thielmann M, Treede H, Thomas M
- Influence of short-term exposure to ultrafine and fine particles on systemic inflammation. Eur J Epidemiol. 2010;25(8): 581-92 (Impact(2010)=4.535, Impact(2011)=4.713, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Hertel S, Viehmann A, Moebus S, Mann K, Bröcker-Preuss M, Möhlenkamp S, Nonnemacher M, Erbel R, Jakobs H, Memmesheimer M, Jöckel KH, Hoffmann B
- Comparison of sequential left internal thoracic artery grafting and separate left internal thoracic artery and venous grafting : A 5-year follow-up. Herz. 2010;35(6): 397-402 (Impact(2010)=0.84, Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wendt D, Schmidt D, Wasserfuhr D, Osswald B, Thielmann M, Tossios P, Kühl H, Jakob H, Massoudy P
- Deferoxamine, the newly developed iron chelator LK-614 and N-alpha-acetyl-histidine in myocardial protection. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010;10(2): 181-4 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study) Koch A, Loganathan S, Radovits T, Sack FU, Karck M, Szabó GB
- The EuroSCORE – still helpful in patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement? Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010;10(2): 239-44 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article) Wendt D, Osswald B, Thielmann M, Kayser K, Tossios P, Massoudy P, Kamler M, Jakob H
- [Infective endocarditis as cardiovascular emergency]. Internist (Berl). 2010;51(8): 987-94 (Impact(2010)=0.348, Impact(2011)=0.3, Typ=Journal Article; Review; English Abstract; Article) Plicht B, Jánosi RA, Buck T, Erbel R
- Urban particulate matter air pollution is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis: results from the HNR (Heinz Nixdorf Recall) study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(22): 1803-8 (Impact(2010)=14.292, Impact(2011)=14.156, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Bauer M, Moebus S, Möhlenkamp S, Dragano N, Nonnemacher M, Fuchsluger M, Kessler C, Jakobs H, Memmesheimer M, Erbel R, Jöckel KH, Hoffmann B, HNR Study Investigative Group
- DeBakey type I dissection: when hybrid stent-grafting is indicated? J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2010;51(5): 633-40 (Impact(2010)=1.352, Impact(2011)=1.559, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Jakob H, Tsagakis K
- Impermeability to blood of the E-vita open plus hybrid stent-graft: experimental and clinical evaluation. J Endovasc Ther. 2010;17(3): 340-8 (Impact(2010)=2.942, Impact(2011)=2.856, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Tsagakis K, Pizanis N, Baba HA, Wendt D, Wisbrun N, Altenbernd J, Eggebrecht H, Kamler M, Jakob H
- Work stress and health in Western European and post-communist countries: an East-West comparison study. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010;64(1): 57-62 (Impact(2010)=2.983, Impact(2011)=3.192, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural; Article) Salavecz G, Chandola T, Pikhart H, Dragano N, Siegrist J, Jöckel KH, Erbel R, Pajak A, Malyutina S, Kubinova R, Marmot M, Bobak M, Kopp M
- Ventricular unloading is associated with increased 20s proteasome protein expression in the myocardium. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2010;29(1): 125-32 (Impact(2010)=3.426, Impact(2011)=4.332, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wohlschlaeger J, Sixt SU, Stoeppler T, Schmitz KJ, Levkau B, Tsagakis K, Vahlhaus C, Schmid C, Peters J, Schmid KW, Milting H, Baba HA
- Effects of Custodiol-N, a novel organ preservation solution, on ischemia/reperfusion injury. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010;139(4): 1048-56 (Impact(2010)=3.608, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Loganathan S, Radovits T, Hirschberg K, Korkmaz S, Koch A, Karck M, Szabó G
- Multicenter early experience with extended aortic repair in acute aortic dissection: is simultaneous descending stent grafting justified? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010;140(6 Suppl): S116-20; discussion S142- (Impact(2010)=3.608, Impact(2011)=3.406, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Tsagakis K, Pacini D, Di Bartolomeo R, Gorlitzer M, Weiss G, Grabenwoger M, Mestres CA, Benedik J, Cerny S, Jakob H
- Influence of the Demographic Change on Hospital Admissions and Costs in Germany Med Klin. 2010;105(12): 876-881 (Impact(2010)=0.447, Impact(2011)=0.343, Typ=Article) Biermann J, Neumann A, Hewer A, Wasem J, Erbel R, Neumann T
- [Perioperative antocoagulation in patients with prosthetic heart valves: recommendations]. Urologe. 2010;49(11): 1368-71 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Review) Wendt D, Piotrowski JA, Schönfelder B, Marggraf G, Thielmann M, Jakob H
- Aquaporin 5 gene promoter–1364A/C polymorphism associated with 30-day survival in severe sepsis. Anesthesiology. 2011;114(4): 912-7 (Impact(2011)=5.359, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Adamzik M, Frey UH, Möhlenkamp S, Scherag A, Waydhas C, Marggraf G, Dammann M, Steinmann J, Siffert W, Peters J
- First-line therapy with coagulation factor concentrates combined with point-of-care coagulation testing is associated with decreased allogeneic blood transfusion in cardiovascular surgery: a retrospective, single-center cohort study. Anesthesiology. 2011;115(6): 1179-91 (Impact(2011)=5.359, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Görlinger K, Dirkmann D, Hanke AA, Kamler M, Kottenberg E, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Peters J
- The frozen elephant trunk for the treatment of chronic dissection of the thoracic aorta: a multicenter experience. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011;92(5): 1663-70; discussion 1670 (Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Pacini D, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Mestres CA, Armaro A, Weiss G, Grabenwoger M, Borger MA, Mohr FW, Bonser RS, Di Bartolomeo R
- Development and in vitro characterization of a new artificial flow channel. Artif Organs. 2011;35(3): E59-64 (Impact(2011)=2, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Article) Wendt D, Stühle S, Hou G, Thielmann M, Tsagakis K, Wendt H, Jakob H, Kowalczyk W
- Genetic interactions in the ?-adrenoceptor/G-protein signal transduction pathway and survival after coronary artery bypass grafting: a pilot study. Br J Anaesth. 2011;107(6): 869-78 (Impact(2011)=4.243, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Frey UH, Kottenberg E, Kamler M, Leineweber K, Manthey I, Heusch G, Siffert W, Peters J
- Vasoconstrictor potential of coronary aspirate from patients undergoing stenting of saphenous vein aortocoronary bypass grafts and its pharmacological attenuation. Circ Res. 2011;108(3): 344-52 (Impact(2011)=9.489, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Kleinbongard P, Böse D, Baars T, Möhlenkamp S, Konorza T, Schöner S, Elter-Schulz M, Eggebrecht H, Degen H, Haude M, Levkau B, Schulz R, Erbel R, Heusch G
- One year follow-up of the multi-centre European PARTNER transcatheter heart valve study. Eur Heart J. 2011;32(2): 148-157 (Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Lefèvre T, Kappetein AP, Wolner E, Nataf P, Thomas M, Schächinger V, De Bruyne B, Eltchaninoff H, Thielmann M, Himbert D, Romano M, Serruys P, Wimmer-Greinecker G, on behalf of the PARTNER EU Investigator Group
- Use of donors who have suffered cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation in lung transplantation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;39(3): 342-7 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Article) Pilarczyk K, Osswald BR, Pizanis N, Tsagakis K, Massoudy P, Heckmann J, Jakob HG, Kamler M
- Cold-induced injury to lung epithelial cells can be inhibited by iron chelators – implications for lung preservation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;40(4): 948-55 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Pizanis N, Gillner S, Kamler M, de Groot H, Jakob H, Rauen U
- Arch replacement and downstream stent grafting in complex aortic dissection: first results of an international registry. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;39(1): 87-94 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tsagakis K, Pacini D, Di Bartolomeo R, Benedik J, Cerny S, Gorlitzer M, Grabenwoger M, Mestres CA, Jakob H
- The DeBakey classification exactly reflects late outcome and re-intervention probability in acute aortic dissection with a slightly modified type II definition. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;40(5): 1078-84 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Tsagakis K, Tossios P, Kamler M, Benedik J, Natour D, Eggebrecht H, Piotrowski J, Jakob H
- Usefulness of a novel balloon-expandable vascular sheath for facilitated large-bore arterial access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. EuroIntervention. 2011;6(7): 893-4 (Impact(2011)=3.285, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports; Editorial) Eggebrecht H, Kahlert P, Thielmann M, Plicht B, Erbel R
- [Angioscopy: a new intraoperative diagnostic and interventional tool for thoracic aortic treatment]. Herz. 2011;36(8): 706-12 (Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Dohle DS, Tsagakis K, Wendt D, Benedik J, Piotrowski JA, Janosi RA, Erbel R, Jakob H
- [Hybrid room technology as a prerequisite for the modern therapy of aortic dissection]. Herz. 2011;36(6): 525-30 (Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Jakob H, Tsagakis K, Dohle DS, Kottenberg E, Konorza T, Janosi RA, Erbel R
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- [Malperfusion in aortic dissection: diagnostic problems and therapeutic procedures]. Herz. 2011;36(6): 531-8 (Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; English Abstract; Article) Jánosi RA, Böse D, Konorza T, Eggebrecht H, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Erbel R
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- Current developments in transcatheter aortic valve implantation techniques. Herz. 2011;36(8): 696-704 (Impact(2011)=0.924, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Thielmann M, Kahlert P, Konorza T, Erbel R, Jakob H, Wendt D
- Surveillance of surgical site infections after open heart surgery Int J Med Microbiol. 2011;47(301): 34-34 (Impact(2011)=4.173, Typ=Meeting Abstract) Loss R, Marggraf G, Jakob H, Piotrowski A, Ross B, Hansen D, Popp W
- The International E-vita Open Registry: data sets of 274 patients. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2011;52(5): 717-23 (Impact(2011)=1.559, Typ=Journal Article; Multicenter Study; Article) Jakob H, Tsagakis K, Pacini D, Di Bartolomeo R, Mestres C, Mohr F, Bonser R, Cerny S, Oberwalder P, Grabenwoger M
- Comparison of serum KL-6 versus bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophilia for the diagnosis of bronchiolitis obliterans in lung transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2011;30(12): 1374-80 (Impact(2011)=4.332, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Article) Ohshimo S, Bonella F, Sommerwerck U, Teschler H, Kamler M, Jakob HG, Kohno N, Guzman J, Costabel U
- In-vitro investigation of the hemodynamics of the Edwards Sapien transcatheter heart valve. J Heart Valve Dis. 2011;20(1): 53-63 (Impact(2011)=0.811, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Stühle S, Wendt D, Houl G, Wendt H, Schlamann M, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Kowalczyk W
- Systemic transplantation of progenitor cells accelerates wound epithelialization and neovascularization in the hairless mouse ear wound model. J Surg Res. 2011;165(1): 165-70 (Impact(2011)=2.247, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Sander AL, Jakob H, Henrich D, Powerski M, Witt H, Dimmeler S, Barker J, Marzi I, Frank J
- Valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve implantation for degenerated bioprosthetic heart valves. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2011;4(11): 1218-27 (Impact(2011)=6.8, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Eggebrecht H, Schäfer U, Treede H, Boekstegers P, Babin-Ebell J, Ferrari M, Möllmann H, Baumgartner H, Carrel T, Kahlert P, Lange P, Walther T, Erbel R, Mehta RH, Thielmann M
- Towards trends in minimal invasive cardiac surgery. Minerva Chir. 2011;66(5): 409-22 (Impact(2011)=0.77, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wendt D, Thielmann M, Melzer A, Tsagakis K, Adam Piotrowski J, Jakob H
- Dissectometer – a new device for tensile strength testing of the vascular wall. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011; (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article) Benedik Jr J, Azhari P, Tsagakis K, Pilarczyk K, Indruch J, A H, Benedik J, Jakob H
- Measurement of the aortic annulus size by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011;20(2): 85-94 (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Jánosi RA, Kahlert P, Plicht B, Wendt D, Eggebrecht H, Erbel R, Buck T
- Does the euroSCORE equally well predict perioperative cardiac surgical risk for men and women? Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011;20(2): 67-71 (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article; Validation Studies; Article) Massoudy P, Sander J, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Herget-Rosenthal S
- Numerical simulation of hemodynamics in the ascending aorta induced by different aortic cannulas. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011;20(2): 125-31 (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article; Comparative Study; Article) Stühle S, Wendt D, Jakob H, Kowalczyk W
- Cardiovascular procedures in the era of modern technology. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011;20(2): 65-6 (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Editorial; Editorial) Wendt D, Fosse E
- Open balloon aortic valvuloplasty in aortic stenosis: implications for transcatheter aortic valve implantations. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2011;20(2): 95-100 (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article; Article) Wendt D, Tossios P, Pasa S, Thielmann M, Pizanis N, Tsagakis K, Jakob H
- Protection by remote ischemic preconditioning during coronary artery bypass graft surgery with isoflurane but not propofol – a clinical trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2012;56(1): 30-8 (Impact(2011)=2.188, Typ=Journal Article) Kottenberg E, Thielmann M, Bergmann L, Heine T, Jakob H, Heusch G, Peters J
- Arrhythmogenic risk of pulmonary artery catheterisation in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Anaesthesia. 2012; (Impact(2011)=2.958, Typ=Journal Article) Bergmann L, Großwendt T, Kahlert P, Konorza T, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Heusch G, Peters J, Kottenberg E
- Management of High-Risk Patients With Aortic Stenosis and Coronary Artery Disease. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012; (Impact(2011)=3.741, Typ=Journal Article) Wendt D, Kahlert P, Lenze T, Neuhäuser M, Price V, Konorza T, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M
- Remote ischemic preconditioning in cardiac surgery: caught between clinical relevance and statistical significance? Basic Res Cardiol. 2012;107(3): 259 (Impact(2011)=7.348, Typ=Comment; Editorial) Thielmann M
- Comparison of flow dynamics of Perimount Magna and Magna Ease aortic valve prostheses. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2012;57(2): 97-106 (Impact(2011)=0.855, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Comparative Study) Wendt D, Stühle S, Piotrowski JA, Wendt H, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Kowalczyk W
- Ascending aortic wall cohesion: comparison of bicuspid and tricuspid valves. Cardiol Res Pract. 2012;2012: 180238 (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article) Benedik J, Pilarczyk K, Wendt D, Indruch J, Flek R, Tsagakis K, Alaeddine S, Jakob H
- Suture-mediated arterial access site closure after transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012; (Impact(2011)=2.29, Typ=Journal Article) Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Plicht B, Konorza T, Neumann T, Thielmann M, Wendt D, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Transient increase in pressure gradients after termination of dual antiplatelet therapy in a patient after transfemoral aortic valve implantation. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2012;5(2): 318-20 (Impact(2011)=6.058, Typ=Journal Article; Case Reports) Al-Rashid F, Konorza TF, Plicht B, Wendt D, Thielmann M, Jakob H, Erbel R, Kahlert P
- STAT5 Activation and Cardioprotection by Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Humans. Circ Res. 2012;110(1): 111-5 (Impact(2011)=9.489, Typ=Journal Article) Heusch G, Musiolik J, Kottenberg E, Peters J, Jakob H, Thielmann M
- Cerebral embolization during transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a transcranial Doppler study. Circulation. 2012;126(10): 1245-55 (Impact(2011)=14.739, Typ=Journal Article) Kahlert P, Al-Rashid F, Doettger P, Mori K, Plicht B, Wendt D, Bergmann L, Kottenberg E, Schlamann M, Mummel P, Holle D, Thielmann M, Jakob HG, Konorza T, Heusch G, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H
- Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) for the treatment of aortic diseases: a position statement from the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in collaboration with the European Assoc Eur Heart J. 2012;33(13): 1558-63 (Impact(2011)=10.478, Typ=Journal Article) Grabenwöger M, Alfonso F, Bachet J, Bonser R, Czerny M, Eggebrecht H, Evangelista A, Fattori R, Jakob H, Lönn L, Nienaber CA, Rocchi G, Rousseau H, Thompson M, Weigang E, Erbel R
- Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) for the treatment of aortic diseases: a position statement from the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), in collaboration with the European Assoc Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012;42(1): 17-24 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Grabenwöger M, Alfonso F, Bachet J, Bonser R, Czerny M, Eggebrecht H, Evangelista A, Fattori R, Jakob H, Lönn L, Nienaber CA, Rocchi G, Rousseau H, Thompson M, Weigang E, Erbel R
- Six-year experience with a hybrid stent graft prosthesis for extensive thoracic aortic disease: an interim balance. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012;42(6): 1018-25 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Jakob H, Dohle DS, Piotrowski J, Benedik J, Thielmann M, Marggraf G, Erbel R, Tsagakis K
- Transapical aortic valve implantation using a new self-expandable bioprosthesis (ACURATE TA(TM)): 6-month outcomes. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012; (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Kempfert J, Treede H, Rastan AJ, Schönburg M, Thielmann M, Sorg S, Mohr FW, Walther T
- Prognostic significance of cardiac troponin I on admission for surgical treatment of acute pulmonary embolism: a single-centre experience over more than 10 years. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012;42(6): 951-7 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Thielmann M, Pasa S, Wendt D, Price V, Marggraf G, Neuhäuser M, Piotrowski A, Jakob H
- Hybrid operating room concept for combined diagnostics, intervention and surgery in acute type A dissection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012; (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Tsagakis K, Konorza T, Dohle DS, Kottenberg E, Buck T, Thielmann M, Erbel R, Jakob H
- PREVAIL TRANSAPICAL: multicentre trial of transcatheter aortic valve implantation using the newly designed bioprosthesis (SAPIEN-XT) and delivery system (ASCENDRA-II). Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012;42(2): 278-83; discussion 283 (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t) Walther T, Thielmann M, Kempfert J, Schroefel H, Wimmer-Greinecker G, Treede H, Wahlers T, Wendler O
- Worldwide experience with the 29-mm Edwards SAPIEN XTTM transcatheter heart valve in patients with large aortic annulus. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2012; (Impact(2011)=2.55, Typ=Journal Article) Wendler O, Thielmann M, Schroefel H, Rastan A, Treede H, Wahlers T, Eichinger W, Walther T
- Remote ischaemic preconditioning in coronary artery bypass surgery: a meta-analysis. Heart. 2012;98(17): 1267-71 (Impact(2011)=4.223, Typ=Journal Article) D’Ascenzo F, Cavallero E, Moretti C, Omedè P, Sciuto F, Rahman IA, Bonser RS, Yunseok J, Wagner R, Freiberger T, Kunst G, Marber MS, Thielmann M, Ji B, Amr YM, Modena MG, Zoccai GB, Sheiban I, Gaita F
- Transmurality of scar influences the effect of a hybrid-intervention with autologous bone marrow cell injection and aortocoronary bypass surgery (MNC/CABG) in patients after myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2012;156(3): 303-8 (Impact(2011)=7.078, Typ=Journal Article) Müller-Ehmsen J, Tossios P, Schmidt M, Scheid C, Unal N, Bovenschulte H, Hackenbroch M, Krug B, Goßmann A, Mehlhorn U, Schwinger RH, Erdmann E
- Randomized comparison of synchronous CABG and carotid endarterectomy vs. isolated CABG in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis: the CABACS trial. Int J Stroke. 2012;7(4): 354-60 (Impact(2011)=2.382, Typ=Journal Article) Knipp SC, Scherag A, Beyersdorf F, Cremer J, Diener HC, Haverich JA, Jakob HG, Mohr W, Ose C, Reichenspurner H, Walterbusch G, Welz A, Weimar C, CABACS Study Group
- Cognitive function after transapical aortic valve implantation: a single-centre study with 3-month follow-up. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2012; (Impact: liegt nicht vor, Typ=Journal Article) Knipp SC, Kahlert P, Jokisch D, Schlamann M, Wendt D, Weimar C, Jakob H, Thielmann M
- Remote ischemic preconditioning: the surgeon’s perspective. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2012; (Impact(2011)=1.51, Typ=Journal Article) Thielmann M, Wendt D, Tsagakis K, Price V, Dohle DS, Pasa S, Kottenberg E
- A new preservation solution for lung transplantation: evaluation in a porcine transplantation model. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2012;31(3): 310-7 (Impact(2011)=4.332, Typ=Journal Article; Evaluation Studies; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; Comparative Study) Pizanis N, Petrov A, Heckmann J, Wiswedel I, Wohlschläger J, de Groot H, Jakob H, Rauen U, Kamler M
- Coronary ostium topography: An implication for transcatheter aortic valve implantation? Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2012; (Impact(2011)=0.943, Typ=Journal Article) Wendt D, Thielmann M, Price V, Kahlert P, Kühl H, Kamler M, Orszulak TA, Melzer A, Jakob H, Tossios P
- A New Self-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valve for Transapical Implantation: Feasibility in Acute and Chronic Animal Experiments. Scand Cardiovasc J. 2012; (Impact(2011)=0.926, Typ=Journal Article) Wendt D, Pasa S, Kahlert P, Delaloye S, Al-Rashid F, Price V, Jánosi RA, Borenstein N, Behr L, Konorza T, Erbel R, Jakob H, Thielmann M
- Thromboelastometry Based Early Goal-Directed Coagulation Management Reduces Blood Transfusion Requirements, Adverse Events, and Costs in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: A Pilot Study. Transfus Med Hemother. 2012;39(2): 121-128 (Impact(2011)=1.164, Typ=Journal Article) Hanke AA, Herold U, Dirkmann D, Tsagakis K, Jakob H, Görlinger K
- Elevated gamma-glutamyltransferase is associated with mortality in lung transplantation for cystic fibrosis. Transpl Int. 2012;25(1): 78-86 (Impact(2011)=2.921, Typ=Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t) Wree A, Bechmann LP, Kumarasamy N, Sommerwerck U, Jochum C, Jakob H, Baba HA, Gerken G, Kamler M, Canbay A